Our experiences during birth impact us for the rest of our lives. The Birth Trauma Support Circle provides a compassionate and supportive space for individuals to process the emotional challenges of a difficult birth experience. Katy Kujala-Korpela, a licensed professional counselor in-training (LPC-IT) facilitates discussions with a trauma-sensitive approach, encouraging healing through shared stories, fostering healing through reflection and shared understanding. The circle will be open monthly and you are welcome to attend as much or as little as you find supportive.

Children are welcome to attend meetings. However, it is also understood that processing traumatic births can be difficult with older children present. If accessible, please take this space for yourself. No one will be turned away. 

Minimum suggested contribution: $10-15

About the facilitator: Katy is a licensed professional counselor in-training (LPC-IT), who has been facilitating birth trauma support groups through the International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) for almost 10 years. Her approach to therapy is integrative and community-centered with a queer and neuro-affirming lens. 

She has completed a variety of trainings including:

  • Birth Inclusivity Training Series (B.I.T.S.)
  • Perinatal Bereavement
  • Gottman Therapy Couples Therapy
  • Advanced Perinatal Mental Health Psychotherapy Training 
  • Advanced Postpartum Support International’s advanced training to the Perinatal Mental Health Certificate (PMH-C).